How Does Business Architecture Enable Execution?

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Editor & Founder,, &
With over 25 years experience building and creating professional communities, Gregg Rock is recognized as an industry leader in professional training and education vital to helping enterprise organizations support their transformation initiatives. His work has been recognized in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, Financial Times, CIO Magazine, and New York Times. Throughout his career Gregg has developed communities, hosted executive networking forums and the formation of advisory boards on topics ranging from IT security and outsourcing to multimedia and Y2K, but is most widely associated with his accomplishments in the areas of Business Process Management (BPM), Digital Business (DBiz), Business Architecture (BA), and Cloud Computing. BPM in particular is a widely accepted approach for designing enterprise organizational and information systems. This focus on process-related skills is creating demand for BPM content, collaboration, and training resources by corporations—a niche Gregg has spent years to fill. In 1997, Gregg founded BrainStorm Group and the network of BrainStorm Communities, consisting of discipline-specific web portals for BPM, BA, and SOA practitioners to network and receive education, professional training online and through live in-person events. This has enabled over 100,000 practitioners from over 125 countries to collaborate and share best practices, online and face-to-face. BrainStorm Communities feature a comprehensive suite of member services including newsletters, discussion groups, blogs, virtual and live events, live and online training, certificate programs, and professional certification. During his tenure, Gregg has produced more than 100 industry events in North America, South America, EMEA, and Australia attended by over 300,000 professionals. He led the development of the Certified Business Process Management Professional program. Harnessing the collective intelligence of leading BPM subject matter experts, this certification establishes an objective evaluation of a BPM professional’s knowledge, skill, and ability. He recently led the launch of BrainStorm's newest Community, focused on Digital Business and Transformation - Gregg also earned his private pilot license in 1991 and remains an active member of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). When not flying, he’s active in his community and enjoys coaching little league, soccer, and lacrosse for his children.
Faculty Member, and President, Hunt Consulting Group, LLC
Faculty Member,, Certified Business Architecture Institute Professional (CBAIP) and Managing Director, Hunt Consulting Group. Providing business architecture consulting and training services empowering organizations to design and deliver tomorrow's businesses today!

Gregg Rock interviews Ed Hunt.

GR: ED, you brought up a great topic the other day when we were speaking, and I thought we’d circle back to share that information with our community. We were talking about the essential elements to enable execution, and you described it as three legs of a stool—can you explain that concept to our members?

EH: If you look at what it what it takes to execute a complex digital transformation, organizations understand and appreciate the need for technical architects. We’re using new tools, and we need experts in those technologies—that’s been the case for 40+ years now. And, organizations have deep capability in program management—they understand that resources have to be managed, schedules have to be aligned, risks have to be managed—but in too many organizations, the focus on business architecture is the gap, which is the third leg of the stool.

And with the third leg, when those three organizations are working collaboratively, when the business architecture is understanding the operational complexity of the business in defining that solution, then you have an excellent chance of succeeding. And the technologists, who are the experts in the tools, understand what the business goal is and can keep their efforts aligned to that activity.

GR: So, three powerful areas: program management, technical architecture, and business architecture. If you have those three working together, you can make some progress.

EH: You can’t lose.

Editors Note: 

Watch the entire Need to Know: Business Architecture video series. 

Read the other articles in the series here: 

Article 1: What is Business Architecture? 

Article 2: Why is Business Architecture Important to IT Delivery? 

Article 3: How Does Business Architecture Improve Business Outcomes?

Article 4: What is the Connection Between Business Architecture and Digital Transformation?

Article 6: How Does Business Architecture Assist Organizations from Strategy to Execution?


Want to be featured in the next Need to Know series to share your expertise? Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you. 

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