There are so many pitfalls you just got to be careful. You shouldn’t boil the ocean. You know agile methodology is key here. You should just pick a minimum viable product and start with that and then go from there.

February 10, 2008
Associate Corporate Membership

Ahmet Akal
Business Process Management (BPM)
Business Architecture (BA)
Digital Transformation (DX)
Agile BPM (AB)
Agile Business Analysis (ABA)
Analytics/Big Data
Application Protocol Interface (API)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Cloud Computing
Customer Experience
Design Thinking
Digital Automation (DA)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Operational Excellence (OPEX)
Organizational Change Management (OCM)
Robotic Processing Automation (RPA)
Business Decision Management (BDM) / Business Rules (BR)
Articles by: Ahmet Akal
Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 3 – Lessons Learned from BPM
BPM methodology really establishes a healthy cadence and that cadence is necessary for collaboration and for transformative process improvement.
Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 2 – How BPM leads to Process Mining and Predictive Analytics
As we started listening to the voice of the process, we started to see the weakest links. Those were the opportunities that we had to look into.
Need To Know Series; How BPM Can Enable a Career in Digital Transformation with Ahmet Akal: Part 1 – The Role BPM Can Play in Your Career
Gregg Rock interviews Ahmet Akal about his experiences using his BPM knowledge in his career.
Look How Far I Have Come: An Agile Journey
Have I grabbed your attention? Yes, ‘Look How Far I Have Come’ is a song title from the renowned Broadway Musical, Hamilton, but it is also a phrase used by many of us to highlight or showcase their careers and their life progression.
An example perhaps is “I am the CIO now, and this did not happen overnight. Look how far I have come.” In IT, this is used in a similar fashion. From legacy systems, even before, to today—it’s human nature. Look how far we have come, and where we have come from. We were once students getting in line at the University’s computer science dept’ to punch cards for a lousy Fortran IV application, which may have been for a homework or for a midterm/final, and now we drag and drop to put together an app or a UI (a GUI) for iOS or Android. A huge progress, a long journey (not that long ago actually), on our path to excellence, right?
Agility in Requirements Gathering
Requirements gathering should be done mindfully. Then there is this world we are living in, which requires agility, right? Well, can mindfulness and agile be imagined together? Once you can imagine this your requirements will be solid and done right, and you will obtain agility. Your sign-offs will be also achieved smoothly. It won’t stop there. Development, unit testing, functional testing and UAT will be smooth as well, including your org readiness efforts, along with your usage uptake and learning experience. Does this sound like it is out of this world, or in Utopia as most of us know this is not a very easy thing to achieve?