When introducing anything new in our individual life, in an organization or society at large, we intuitively recognize that that introduction of change must be managed or we will not achieve what we have set out to do. Same applies when we introduce new technology including BPM automation. Very often we establish a change management team. We go through the mechanics of managing change. Why then the implementation of new technology such as BPM often does not deliver the expected benefits? Why the adoption and internalization of the change is sl

August 19, 2008

Izabela Waglay
Business Architecture (BA)
Business Decision Management (BDM) / Business Rules (BR)
Business Process Management (BPM)
Operational Excellence (OPEX)
Web Services / SOA
Articles by: Izabela Waglay
Reinventing “Lean Thinking”
Has Lean delivered its full promise to date? Observing the evolution of the “Lean Thinking” concept in the past 30 years in North America is very interesting. A few years back, the (yet another new) term “LEAN” was coined and brought forth, which I found fit perfectly in describing the main thrust of the philosophy and what the driving methodology was intended to achieve.
Transforming an Enterprise – an Effective Approach for Implementing Change
‘The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order’
Alfred North Whitehead
(b.1861 – d.1947), British mathematician and philosopher.