Parker Hannifin Corporation (NYSE:PH) is one of the great corporations of America. Founded in 1924 (after Arthur Parker’s first start-up in 1918 foundered due to a truck accident destroying all its inventory), it has remained an independent manufacturer of motion and control equipment. In other words, PH is an industrial company, in an age where Internet, IT and services businesses are supposed to have rendered such enterprises as dinosaurs frozen in the ice age on the US economic scene. PH must not have been properly notified of their impending doom. Consider the statistics since 2001:

July 24, 2006

Larry Goldberg
Business Decision Management (BDM) / Business Rules (BR)
Articles by: Larry Goldberg
A SOA-based Business Rules Approach: Decision Services
We have spoken often of the necessity of separating business rules from business process. For those new to business rules, consider two points:
The Business Rule Revolution: Is it Real?
“The Business Rule Revolution is the awakening of business leaders to the importance of business integrity and governance through management of individual rules.” A new book, The Business Rule Revolution, is an anthology of real-world business rule experiences shared by the following people: John Zachman, the father of the ZFW for Enterprise Architecture.