During the past few years research firms have advocated the value and importance of a Business Architecture, and many companies have started building their own. The Business Architecture is found in just about every Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework and one of its many objectives is to better align IT with the business. In June 2006 the first Business Architecture event was successfully hosted by the BPMInstitute and BrainStorm Group in San Francisco.

July 25, 2005

Ralph Whittle
Business Process Management (BPM)
Articles by: Ralph Whittle
EA, BPM and SOA Convergence
Many strategic initiatives today are focused on Enterprise Architecture (EA) development, Business Process Management (BPM) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) development. In support of these important activities are numerous approaches, techniques, tools and experienced consultants. You can also find a wealth of information on the web and in various industry newsletters and publications. Let us take a look at what is common and shared between these essential initiatives.
Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Initiatives
Most companies today have a strategic initiative focused on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) development. Some of these efforts struggled in the early days, but many now have clear goals and measurable objectives. Many of these same companies also have an Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) initiative as well, or at least some type of Business Process Modeling or Business Process Management initiative. Here again, initially it was a struggle, too.
How Do You Use Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA)?
In the article titled Understanding Enterprise Business Architecture, the basic concepts and purpose of the Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) were discussed. This second article continues the discussion and provides an overview of how to use the EBA. Just remember, the EBA is a model built with rigor and discipline, the same that is applied in the fields of engineering and construction. It is a formal model representing the business as a manifestation the strategy.
Understanding the Enterprise Business Architecture
During the past several years, many companies have implemented Business Process Management (BPM) initiatives with great success. You can find several web sites and research companies providing excellent information about BPM frameworks, methodologies and approaches. Some provide monthly bulletins and newsletters which can keep you current on the progress of these initiatives and their emerging capabilities.