Agile Methodology
Why on earth would this BOK be into existence when there are loads and loads of documentation available on company archives that we can refer to during crunch times. So Am I reinventing the wheel ? No way. The below bulleted matrix would help you keep afloat in case you hit the agile monster or have butterflies in your stomach about Agile based projects and its future. So is Agile Immortal ? Humm ……….let me think. Well Almost for the current era. Agile is a way for product companies to substance their lively hood by ensuring they power pack their software products by business driven factors which we know as requirements, enhancements, UI features, and bug fixes. Agile is a way to build software using the small optimized revisions that resembles the iterative and incremental approach. This resembles as a scaled down approach of the predecessors. The key element to Agile is it ensures that the risks elements are at bay.