Before the advent of business process management systems (BPMS), there was a clear distinction between business process modeling and BPM application design. “Modeling” involved a set of tools for business analysts used to discover, diagram, analyze, and optimize business processes, often in concert with some formal methodology. The ultimate output of this effort, if used to create an automated BPM solution at all, served mainly as a “requirements document” that would (hopefully) be referenced by IT in the solution specification and design.
Business Process Management and Becoming an Adaptive Organization
Companies seeking to incorporate BPM into their culture are integrating and optimizing end-to-end business processes that span traditional IT systems’ boundaries. This trend mandates the adoption of process orientation and the exploration of BPM as a technology to orchestrate, optimize and increase the flexibility of business processes along with the overall integration strategy of the organization. However, the current BPM space is not mature, and getting started is difficult.
SOA Management and SOA ROI
Many enterprises are chasing the dream of real-time operations to contend more effectively in a hyper-competitive market. This dream entails flexible business processes, just-in-time products, and on-demand services that are all driven by marketplace events and shifting customer demands. This dream is impossibly expensive to achieve without software to automate the processes and functions that make up a business’ engine. The trick is to shrink software development and integration times to next to nothing and making operational management efficient.
Business Performance Management Meets Business Process Management
This interview originally appeared in the members only BPM Strategies Magazine. Join today to receive your own copy.
Best Practices in Business Process Management
Business process management is a top priority for organizations today. The BPM market is hot and it is important to know what the basic steps of BPM strategy are and who the vendors are and what they offer. The scope of what BPM is and what it can do for your organization is changing. There is still a lot of hype, so everyone needs to know who is doing what, and how well it works. Every organization needs a BPM strategy and a comprehensive deployment plan.
The Customers Win through BPM
Forrester defines BPM as: The designing, executing and optimizing of cross-functional business processes that incorporate systems, processes and people.
BPM systems are being used with increasing frequency inside organizations to improve the effectiveness of their core operations.
The Fast Track: From Buried Business Rules to Managed Business Rules (KPI RMM Level 0 to 2 in a year)
How does a conservative government organization fast track a paradigm shift? One method that has worked well is to keep the change process so simple that the lure of it is irresistible. This is precisely how it happened at the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS). The paradigm shift is one towards Business Rule Management (BRM). The change process is the User-defined Function Approach (UDFA). The measurement of success was provided by Barbara von Halle, founder of Knowledge Partners, Inc (KPI).
Introducing a Cornerstone of the Business Rules Approach: The Rule Maturity Model
Business rules represent an important organizational knowledge asset. But this does not imply that it is appropriate for an organization to harness and manage all of its business rules in a formal way. Rather, an organization should identify the important business...
BPMS Watch: Without a BPMS, It’s Not Really BPM
This is the first installment of a monthly column. My focus is software technology dedicated to automating, integrating, and managing business processes, the building blocks of so-called business process management systems (BPMS). I readily admit that within the BPM community there is a contingent that believes BPM has little to do with software, that it’s really a new way of thinking about the business.
Back To The Future – Lessons Learned From Past Futures
Leading companies are integrating and optimizing end-to-end business processes and crossing traditional IT system boundaries within organizations. In addition to requiring a good integration strategy, this trend forces companies to adopt process orientation and explore BPM as a technology to orchestrate, optimize and increase flexibility.
Brett Champlin is an internal Process Consultant who leads business and IT process redesign projects. He led the development of an enterprise process model repository and the selection of the enterprise process modeling, analysis and design tools.