
The Business Rule Revolution

The Business Rule Revolution

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

The Business Rule Revolution is happening everywhere, even if it seems invisible. In fact, the business rules that are unseen or unknown are precisely the ones that can do the most damage. Invisible rules lurk behind a lack of proper business rule management—creating a precarious business climate for these times.

Consider the growing and painful awareness of questionable accounting practices by some corporate executives in some major organizations. What is at play here? Business rules are at play—good or bad, known or unknown. In these cases, rules were broken or secret. Some were improper rules applied to achieve improper objectives. Think of the Business Rule Revolution as appropriate parties knowing what the rules are, applying the rules in all the right places, and the organization therefore taking full responsibility for its rules and its integrity.

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Implementing Process Change in State Government

Implementing Process Change in State Government

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

DMV – Three letters that can strike fear in any man or woman’s heart, a term that all too often brings images of long lines and broken processes and red tape. State Departments of Motor Vehicles typically face many challenges: with lower budgets, staff reductions and increasing numbers of drivers and vehicles being registered. They face the challenge of continuing to provide quality services to the public while meeting increasingly challenging mandates from federal, state and local governments.

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Applied Creativity and Value Discipline: The Innovation Cycle – Part 1

Applied Creativity and Value Discipline: The Innovation Cycle – Part 1

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Part 1: Why innovation is such a challenge in a corporate setting

Next month, Part 2: A manager’s guide for application and implementation of the Innovation Cycle

Innovation is currently a hot topic in the executive suite and in business publications. Amid the buzz, managers are uncertain about how to reconcile the seemingly opposing calls for increased innovation and bottom-line productivity. As a result, when challenged to grow their businesses they often default to more familiar options, even if growth through innovation could be the best choice. We propose not only a truce between the creative and analytic sides of business, but also a highly valuable method for collaboration that builds upon the strengths of each to maximize the value of innovation investments.

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The Innovation Imperative Part 3 of 3

The Innovation Imperative Part 3 of 3

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

According to Business Week’s Bruce Nussbaum, “There is, in fact, a whole new generation of innovation gurus. They are not the superstars of the ’90s, such as Clayton Christensen, who focused on what might be called macro-innovation – the impact of big, unexpected new technologies on companies. The new gurus focus more on micro-innovation – teaching companies how to connect with their customers’ emotions, linking research and development labs to consumer needs, recalibrating employee incentives to emphasize creativity, constructing maps showing opportunities for innovation.”

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In Search of BPM Excellence

In Search of BPM Excellence

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

This chapter argues the use of BPM as the central tool to support next-generation business processes to transform the operations of manufacturers. Next-generation business processes? Dr. Max More, a strategic business futurist, postulates the process-driven enterprise, in the foreword to the book, The Real-Time Enterprise, “The ideal vision of the process-driven RTE is one of companies where information moves without hindrance, and business processes are continuously monitored and trigger rapid reactions, usually automated according to embedded business rules. RTEs also sense shifts in tastes and practices and respond by offering new products and services. Automated processes easily traverse corporate boundaries, time zones, media and systems. Batch processes and manual input are minimized by ensuring that real-time information among employees, customers, partners and suppliers is current and coherent.

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The Innovation Imperative Part 2 of 3

The Innovation Imperative Part 2 of 3

Contributed by:
Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

In Part 1 of this three-part introduction to business innovation, we explored the innovation imperative and concluded by identifying six facets of business innovation:

  • Operational innovation
  • Organizational innovation
  • Supply-side innovation
  • Core-competency innovation
  • Sell-side innovation
  • Product and Service innovation.

Now, let’s take a quick look at each of these categories of business innovation.

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The Innovation Imperative

The Innovation Imperative

Contributed by:
Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

What strikes fear in the hearts of today’s business leaders? Commoditization and Globalization. Unless a company can innovate, it cannot make margins and will be marginalized as a commodity player. Unless a company can innovate, it will be left behind in the brave new world of total global competition. But, what exactly is innovation, and how does innovation happen? These are the most important business questions of our times.

In this first of a three part series excerpted from the book, Extreme Competition: Innovation and the Great 21st Century Business Reformation, we will explore the many facets of innovation and distinguish between Business Innovation and the conventional notions of research and invention.

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The Innovation Imperative Part 1 of 3

The Innovation Imperative Part 1 of 3

Contributed by:
Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

What strikes fear in the hearts of today’s business leaders? Commoditization and Globalization. Unless a company can innovate, it cannot make margins and will be marginalized as a commodity player. Unless a company can innovate, it will be left behind in the brave new world of total global competition. But, what exactly is innovation, and how does innovation happen? These are the most important business questions of our times.

This complimentary chapter, exclusively for members, is the first of a three part series excerpted from Peter Fingar’s latest book Extreme Competition: Innovation and the Great 21st Century Business Reformation.

In part 1 we will explore the many facets of innovation and distinguish between Business Innovation and the conventional notions of research and invention.

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More for Less: The Power of Process Management

More for Less: The Power of Process Management

Contributed by:
Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

What do your customers really want? More for less, of course! That can hardly come as a surprise to you. After all, whether you are a senior executive, a middle manager, or a front line worker, you’re a customer yourself.

As a customer, what “more” do you want? More value, more service, more consistent, flawless delivery performance, more accuracy, and even more responsiveness? You bet. Chances are that increasingly, you want to pay “less” for this “more” don’t you?

Your customers are no different, and that’s a problem because unless you can provide your customers with “more for less,” you can be assured they will find someone else who can, and sooner rather than later.

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Business Process Management Systems – Strategy and Implementation

Business Process Management Systems – Strategy and Implementation

Contributed by:
Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Business Process Management as a management philosophy has only been discussed since the mid-1990s. This chapter explores the relationships of BPM to other process-focused management practices. The author depicts BPM as the convergence of previous process-focused management practices, such as Business Process Reengineering and Total Quality Management. The goals, principles, and practices associated with BPM are also discussed in this chapter.

This chapter is from Business Process Management Systems: Strategy and Implementation by James F. Chang. Copyright 2006 Auerbach Publications. Reprinted with Permission of the Publisher.

Click here to buy the book and see the Table of contents.

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Featured Certificate: BPM Specialist

Everyone starts here.

You're looking for a way to improve your process improvement skills, but you're not sure where to start.

Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will give you the competitive advantage you need in today's world. Our courses help you deliver faster and makes projects easier.

Your skills will include building hierarchical process models, using tools to analyze and assess process performance, defining critical process metrics, using best practice principles to redesign processes, developing process improvement project plans, building a center of excellence, and establishing process governance.

The BPMS Certificate is the perfect way to show employers that you are serious about business process management. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you'll be able to take your business career to the next level.

Learn more about the BPM Specialist Certificate





  • Business Process Management Specialist
  • Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will provide you with a distinct competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you’ll be able to take your business career to the next level.
  • BPM Professional Certificate
    Business Process Management Professional
  • Earning your Business Process Management Professional (BPMP) Certificate will elevate your expertise and professional standing in the field of business process management. Our BPMP Certificate is a tangible symbol of your achievement, demonstrating your in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management.


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  • Operational Excellence Specialist
  • Earning your Operational Excellence Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.


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  • Operational Excellence Professional
  • Earn your Operational Excellence Professional Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.



  • Agile BPM Specialist
  • Earn your Agile BPM Specialist Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving business process management (BPM) with agile methodologies. You’ll gain a strong understanding of how to apply agile principles and concepts to business process management initiatives.  

Business Architecture



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  • DAS Certificate
  • Decision Automation Specialist
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