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Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 4 – Decision Automation for process professionals
Join Gregg Rock and George Barlow as they talk about how new automation technologies have impacted decision management, business rules management systems, and case management within organizations.
Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 3- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for process professionals
More and more we are seeing organizations adopting AI and Machine Learning to improve business processes and capabilities. But what does their implementation mean?
Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 2 – Process Automation for process professionals
For an organization to fully utilize Process Automation, they must understand the tools for automation and how to deploy those tools in the most effective way.
Need To Know Series about Digital Transformation with George Barlow: Part 1 – Low Code / No Code for process professionals
Tune in as Gregg Rock interviews BPM expert George Barlow on how the Low Code / No Code implementation is transforming the corporate landscape, specifically highlighting the challenges of finding quality developers.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 7- Learning & Development: Tools & techniques to identify skills gaps
Individuals aren’t great at identifying their shortcomings. One way to identify skills gaps is setting goals and then determining whether or not we’re hitting those goals/objectives.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 6- How to evaluate and improve your Learning & Development program
Target what the gaps are, formulate a plan to close them. If you do have a L&D program, offer learning opportunities that your employees want to take part in.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 5- The #1 misconception of implementing an Learning & Development program
The biggest misconception is that you can’t just buy good learning and development. It’s not as simple as buying an LMS and you’re done. You can’t outsource it either.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 4- The biggest hurdle to building a Learning & Development capability
There is a disconnect, or lack of communication, between strategic business leaders and learning and development professionals.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 3- Why build a learning & development program?
Learning and Development programs solve business problems. Organizations use learning and development internally to solve problems throughout the employee lifecycle.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 2- Strategic Learning & Development Program Overview
To truly be successful, organizations need to identify skills needed, a plan to create trainings, develop or leverage an LMS and create a communications plan among other things.
Need To Know Series about Learning and Development: Part 1- How to be strategic about Learning & Development
Gregg Rock interviews Matt Donovan and Kevin Vautrinot from Accelare about their new Learning and Development e-book.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 6- How does Business Architecture Assist Organizations from Strategy to Execution?
Business architecture helps across the organization and one of the most important ways is its use of models to convey concepts of the organization.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 5- How does Business Architecture Enable Execution?
Organizations understand and appreciate the need for technical architects. We’re using new tools and we need experts in those technologies. Organizations have deep capabilities in program management.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 4- What is the Connection between Business Architecture and Digital Transformation?
Learn how business architecture allows an organization to understand the operational complexity of the business. Gain a better understanding of how to leverage business architecture, to identify the impact of business processes, data structures and organizational models.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 3- How Does Business Architecture Improve Business Outcomes?
Business architecture doesn’t define strategy but it can often enhance and enable strategy.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 2- Why is Business Architecture Important to IT Delivery?
Today’s businesses are a collection of interdependent complex operations organized to provide value to a customer and each business entity is competing within a larger business ecosystem in which it must offer a unique value proposition in order to remain relevant in the market. It nearly all cases, IT is essential (either directly or indirectly) to enabling consistent, reliable, and efficient delivery of the product or service.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 1- What is Business Architecture?
In this 6 part video interview series, Gregg Rock and Ed Hunt will discuss all things you ‘Need to Know’ about Business Architecture! This series will break down how Business Architecture enables execution, relates to IT, improves business outcomes, is connected to digital business, and assists with strategy.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 5- Featured Business Process Management Courses and Certification in Latin America (en espanol)
BPM 101 is the cornerstone course of the BPM curriculum. It has recently been updated to reflect the evolution in new tools and technologies as well as the central role of BPM in digital transformation.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 4- Comparing Business Process Management and Six Sigma (en espanol)
Since BPM leverages the use of information technology in areas such as modeling, workflow, rules management, analytics and simulation, the practice of BPM also varies depending on the source of the enabling IT that is being employed.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 3- The Business Process Management Methodology vs Other Approaches (en espanol)
Business Process Management is the definition, improvement and management of a firm’s end-to-end business processes in order to achieve three outcomes crucial to a performance-based, customer-driven firm: clarity on strategic direction, alignment of the firm’s resources, and increased discipline in daily operations.