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An Integrated Approach to Improving Business Process Quality through Risk Modeling – Part 2
This two-part series explores methods of actively evaluating risk as part of business processes, and incorporating elements of risk deterrence into business process models. In Part 1, we explored the context and precedents for our research. As we learned, achieving a stronger integration between risk analysis and process modeling promises to improve the quality of the modeled processes and increase the percentage of positive business outcomes those processes achieve. In this final part of the series, we will describe an innovative approach to incorporating risk management directly into business process models using the standard Business Process Model & Notation (BPMN), version 2.0.

Risk Assessments 1-2-3
Risk assessments have become more common recently, and for good reason. We read headlines daily about data breaches, high-dollar investments gone wrong, and companies that took a market risk that didn’t pay off.
Risk increases as a result of change, whether internally or externally triggered. Examples of internally driven change include executing a new project, launching a new product, or changing a process. Regulatory requirements, market changes, competitive challenges, and new security threats change the risk profile even when a company is conducting business as usual. Enterprises are never done with assessing risks; there is no such thing as “steady state” when it comes to risks.

Leading Edge BPM Benefits Without Bleeding Edge Pain
Best Practices With Oracle Process Accelerators
How can organizations reach BPM “process excellence” faster, thus delivering consistent value with BPM? One of the current trends includes adopting “process templates”. Oracle Process Accelerators are pre-built business process solutions that can be deployed as-is, or extended to meet customer-specific requirements. Generic templates or frameworks are important, however not enough to really affect an organization’s productivity with BPM. This webcast presents an “under the hood” view of Process Accelerator best practices and patterns that can serve as blueprints for organizations striving to reach maturity in their process-driven solutions.

Paying Down the Architectural Debt with the Business Architecture
Some enterprises are considering or have already taken bold initiatives to better manage their architectural debt. Architectural debt is a colorful metaphor for describing when a product, process, application, or system evolves well past the capability covered by the original architectural design.[1]

Which BPM Methodology is Best for Us?
There are lots of BPM Methodologies. In fact I teach a class called BPM Methodologies 2-3 times a year for BPMInstitute.org. The next one is in San Francisco, June 25. But which BPM Methodology should you organization use?
First, let’s define a BPM Methodology.
An approach with principles and specific procedures that provides guidelines for how to approach different scenarios within the Business Process Management discipline.
Most BPM Methodologies have conceptual principles, a graphic model, and specific techniques for the elements within the model.
Some of best known BPM methodologies today are Six Sigma, Lean, BP Trends, Hammer and Rummler–Brache. Below is one of these graphical models for the Toyota Production System (Lean).

The World of Agile IT and Stakeholder Management
Agile Methodology
Why on earth would this BOK be into existence when there are loads and loads of documentation available on company archives that we can refer to during crunch times. So Am I reinventing the wheel ? No way. The below bulleted matrix would help you keep afloat in case you hit the agile monster or have butterflies in your stomach about Agile based projects and its future. So is Agile Immortal ? Humm ……….let me think. Well Almost for the current era. Agile is a way for product companies to substance their lively hood by ensuring they power pack their software products by business driven factors which we know as requirements, enhancements, UI features, and bug fixes. Agile is a way to build software using the small optimized revisions that resembles the iterative and incremental approach. This resembles as a scaled down approach of the predecessors. The key element to Agile is it ensures that the risks elements are at bay.

The “M” is Missing in BPM
Business Process Management (BPM) has made a significant contribution to improving the performance of some business processes, yet the “management” part of BPM has not lived up to its full potential. Way back in 2003, I defined BPM as the disciplined definition, improvement and management of a company’s end-to-end business processes. The key aspects of this definition relate to “end-to-end” processes and the “troika” or “triumvirate” (e.g. not just one – but all three) of definition, improvement and management. In this broader context, the M is frequently missing from BPM.

Free Chapter: The Microguide to Process Modeling in BPMN 2.0
How to Build Great Process, Rule, and Event Models
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is an increasingly successful Object Management Group (OMG) standard and whether you are in government, manufacturing, or business, you need to understand how to accurately depict your company’s processes in BPMN. The BPMN Specification, however, can be abstract, lengthy, and complicated. As a result, learning to use BPMN can be daunting and force professionals to steer clear of it without an efficient and easy way of getting acquainted with the material.
BPMInstitute.org has been at the forefront of education and thought leadership in this area and as a benefit to our members; we are providing a free sample of one of the most recent books on BPMN: The Microguide to Process Modeling in BPMN 2.0.

Change – The Aftermath
In my last article, I provided tips for successful large scale change. Most of those suggestions were to help prepare people for change, some beginning in the months or years leading up to the implementation. When large changes occur, preparation beforehand is only half the battle. The perception of success or failure depends on how well people faced with integrating these changes into their daily life are supported after the change has occurred.
This time, we’ll focus how you can integrate change into people’s routines in the weeks and months immediately following any shake-up. There are several areas you can focus on to ensure that the change is permanent and positive for all concerned.

Business Architecture & Business Model Interpretation
A new trend in business strategy development involves viewing your business from the perspective of the “business model”. The business model provides templates for business executives to think about their costs and revenues, customers, channels and partners, and various activities and resources with a focus on maximizing profits and other measures of success.

Enabling business agility through real-time process visibility
Organizations have access to more data than ever before. However, this data is of little value if one is unable to extract intelligent information from this data .Today, what everyone needs is that data converted into meaningful information— presented in customizable, role-based dashboards and with the means to act on alerts and problem areas. Without such information, how can businesses assess their performance— both now and over time? Management today lacks reliable, end-to-end information concerning business operations, transactions and situational visibility.

Independent Research Firm Recognizes BPMInstitute.org as a Leader in BPM Training
About the Report
As more and more organizations embrace Business Process Management (BPM) for the design of enterprise organizational and information systems, the demand for BPM training increases.
Many companies claim they’re the best at BPM training. Who should you believe?
Believe what industry expert Forrester Research is saying in the 2012 Forrester Wave report BPM Training and Certification Programs. It evaluates top BPM training and certification providers, citing BPMInstitute.org as a leader in the BPM training market – and a top scorer in 7 of the 15 BPM skills development categories.
Download your copy of the Forrester Wave report BPM Training and Certification Programs and get their objective review of the top organizations in the BPM training space.

Using a BPMS to Enable Process Transformation
This article offers advice on how to use a BPMS to support process transformation across three specific business areas. When an organisation uses a BPMS to enable empowerment, focus on quality and compliance, and remove unnecessary human touches, it will gain great rewards.
The technology available to exploit these opportunities will vary across vendor solutions, but it is valid to assume at least basic support exists in the majority of solutions on the market.

Multi Channel Enterprises – A Road to Redemption
The online shopper is extremely savvy and has myriads of options available to them for different products and services. They often move from site to site to compare prices, shipping costs and product features.

The Five Most Important Differences Between The Decision Model and Business Rules Approaches
While many organizations have adopted The Decision Model, others are actively exploring how it may improve or totally replace their current business rules approaches. The latter are asking the critical question:
How is The Decision is Model different from what we are doing and why are these differences important?

Enabling Process Intelligence Through Process Mining & Analytics
To be successful in today’s increasingly transparent and competitive business world, organizations need to provide visibility into business processes while optimizing their use of internal resources to improve business performance. Accomplishing these goals requires powerful data collection and analytical tools to gain actionable insights into business processes, systems and data.

Have you Assessed your BPM Efforts?
Co-authored by: Jerry Stevens, Process Strategist, Process Strategy Group
Most organizations are improving processes in some shape or form.. Many companies employ some type of improvement method, whether it is Lean, Six Sigma, TQM, BPM or some iteration of an improvement technique. They realize that the most effective way to improve how an organization provides products and services to their customers is through the review and improvement of customer facing processes.

11 Habits for Highly Successful BPM Programs
Learn the Habits that drive process-improvement success, from project delivery and growing team competency to scaling BPM across the enterprise. These are proven techniques that will help you get started implementing successful BPM projects throughout your organization. Process improvement is about achieving better business outcomes. Technology is providing powerful capabilities that organizations are using now to quickly and continuously improve customer-facing and back-end operations. The challenge, of course, is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Presenter Bios
Bill Hahn, BPM Solution Architect, IBM
Bill Hahn is an IBM Sr. Consulting BPM Solution Architect, Open Group Master Certified ITS and Development Tools Evangelist. In 20+ years at IBM he has worked in the development labs, consulting services and technical sales. Bill is currently based in Chicago.

Best Practices and Customer Success with BPM
Companies worldwide have for generations sought to better manage the processes that are key to their constituencies and business by managing them to improve efficiency, insight into their impact, and how to use them to achieve greater flexibility. Over the years the introduction of new technology provides new ways to achieve these benefits yet each new technology also imposes a barrier in the path of success. In addition, change management and human and organizational change is a naturally resistant force that can stand in the way of success.
This workshop will address companies’ challenges to BPM success and provide best practices, demonstrations, and case studies to highlight processes, results, and challenges addressed. This workshop will also include a look at the latest process management technology from Oracle that has been designed to simplify achieving process management success.
Presenter Bios

Breaking Through the Barriers to BPM Success
Companies worldwide have for generations sought to better manage their key business processes to improve efficiency, insight into their impact, and to achieve greater business flexibility. The introduction of new technology consistently provides new ways to achieve these benefits yet each new technology also imposes constraints, or barriers, in the path of success. In addition the natural resistance to human and organizational change in the enterprise is a deterrent process optimization.
This workshop will address the challenges to BPM success and provide best practices, demonstrations, and case studies to highlight business challenges, processes, and results. This workshop will also include a look at the latest process management technology from Oracle that has been designed to simplify achieving process management success