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Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 2- Why is Business Architecture Important to IT Delivery?
Today’s businesses are a collection of interdependent complex operations organized to provide value to a customer and each business entity is competing within a larger business ecosystem in which it must offer a unique value proposition in order to remain relevant in the market. It nearly all cases, IT is essential (either directly or indirectly) to enabling consistent, reliable, and efficient delivery of the product or service.
Need To Know Series with Ed Hunt: Part 1- What is Business Architecture?
In this 6 part video interview series, Gregg Rock and Ed Hunt will discuss all things you ‘Need to Know’ about Business Architecture! This series will break down how Business Architecture enables execution, relates to IT, improves business outcomes, is connected to digital business, and assists with strategy.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 5- Featured Business Process Management Courses and Certification in Latin America (en espanol)
BPM 101 is the cornerstone course of the BPM curriculum. It has recently been updated to reflect the evolution in new tools and technologies as well as the central role of BPM in digital transformation.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 4- Comparing Business Process Management and Six Sigma (en espanol)
Since BPM leverages the use of information technology in areas such as modeling, workflow, rules management, analytics and simulation, the practice of BPM also varies depending on the source of the enabling IT that is being employed.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 3- The Business Process Management Methodology vs Other Approaches (en espanol)
Business Process Management is the definition, improvement and management of a firm’s end-to-end business processes in order to achieve three outcomes crucial to a performance-based, customer-driven firm: clarity on strategic direction, alignment of the firm’s resources, and increased discipline in daily operations.
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 2- Business Process Management Training in Latin America Nov. 19 – Dec. 18 2021 (en espanol)
Professor Juan David Henao to deliver business process management (BPM) core courses in Spanish
Podcast with Professor Juan David Henao: Part 1- BPMInstitute.org Announces Business Process Management Training for Latin America 2021 (en espanol)
Gregg Rock and Professor Juan David Henao discuss our newest installment of training courses, geared toward Latin America!
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 6- Process Professionals Want to Know: Is BPM Dead? No!
The technologies have changed but the need for process optimization digitization automation will never go away.
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 5- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Citizen Developers
The new revolution in programming languages is Low Code/No Code, with platforms that provide tangible benefits for Citizen Developers (Business) and IT. Who are Citizen Developers? Everyone. In other words, anyone can become a developer with Low Code/No Code.
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 4- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Intelligent Automation
Enterprises need to understand the transformative potential of Intelligent Automation and create a pragmatic roadmap for Automation best practices. Intelligent Automation is a significant milestone in the evolution of Business Process Management. Process Mining can be...
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 3- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Process Mining
Process Mining is the new method for data-centric analysis, improvement, and execution of processes. Process Mining helps organizations discover and enhance real (vs. theorized or assumed) processes – with all its variants.
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 2- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Low Code / No Code
The new revolution in programming languages is Low Code/No Code, with platforms that provide tangible benefits for Citizen Developers (Business) and IT
Need to Know Series with Setrag Khoshafian: Part 1- What Process Professionals Need to Know about Digital Transformation
In this 6 part video series, Gregg Rock discusses all things “Digital Transformation” with Dr. Setrag Khoshafian. Digital Transformation has many facets – from cultural transformation to deployment of various emerging digital technologies
How Does Business Architecture Assist Organizations from Strategy to Execution?
Gregg Rock interviews Ed Hunt in November 2021.
GR: How does business architecture assist organizations from strategy to execution?
What is the Current State of Process Automation?
Gregg Rock interviews George Barlow. We are especially excited to let folks know that George is going to be presenting two of our newest courses that are part of the Digital Transformation Specialist series in our Summer Session 1 Training Event. GR: Alright George,...
How Does Business Architecture Enable Execution?
Gregg Rock interviews Ed Hunt in November 2021.
GR: ED, you brought up a great topic the other day when we were speaking and I thought we’d circle back to share that information with our community. We were talking about the essential elements to enable execution, and you described it as three legs of a stool—can you explain that concept to our members?
EH: If you look at what it what it takes to execute a complex digital transformation, organizations understand and appreciate the need for technical architects. We’re using new tools, and we need experts in those technologies—that’s been the case for 40+ years now. And, organizations have deep capability in program management—they understand that resources have to be managed, schedules have to be aligned, risks have to be managed—but in too many organizations, the focus on business architecture is the gap, which is the third leg of the stool.
How Does AI and Machine Learning Fit Into Low Code/No Code and Process Automation Environments?
Gregg Rock interviews George Barlow in April 2022.
When does Business Architecture Make a Difference?
GR: Can you give our Members an example of an organization you worked with where the application of the Business Architecture practice made a difference for them?
SL: A few years ago, I worked as a Business Architecture consultant for a health insurance provider. The insurance business, and health insurance is no different, is driven by rules. For example, if you’re in X insurance plan, then you have access to X benefits, you pay X amount in a premium, X amount is your copay, X amount is the maximum limit of what the insurer pays. And, under certain circumstances, you may also have these other benefits such as if you’re a woman, then you may have maternity related benefits. And, we may cover X procedures, but only with pre-approval, and if your doctor is in our network then we may cover more, otherwise we cover less.
What is the Connection Between Business Architecture and Digital Transformation?
Gregg Rock interviews Ed Hunt in November 2021.
GR: How do you explain the connection between business architecture and digital transformation?
EH: Well, as you know, I’ve been in the industry a long time. For 40 years, we’ve been using automation technology to transform an organization—to digitize it—and the new tools that we have available today just allow us to continue to do that in a more exciting way.
What is the Triple Crown of Modeling? BPMN, DMN, & CMMN Explained.
Gregg Rock interviews George Barlow in April 2022.