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Welcome to BPMInstitute.org, the leading authority in Business Process Management (BPM) training and certification. For the past two decades, we have been at the forefront of BPM education, providing invaluable resources to professionals like you. Our extensive collection features thousands of articles, white papers, and webcasts, covering every aspect of BPM you can imagine. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the field, our resources will empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to excel in the world of BPM. Explore our comprehensive library today and unlock the secrets to optimizing processes, driving innovation, and achieving operational excellence.
“Bootstrapping” Your Company’s Productivity Program

“Bootstrapping” Your Company’s Productivity Program


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation


You’ve just been asked by your boss to develop and implement a productivity program to reduce waste and improve quality. Several of the executives are retrenching into a defensive posture: preserve cash, freeze discretionary spending, cut operating budgets X% across the board, accelerate early retirements, layoffs, and sell off non-core assets. Others are advocating more investment in R&D, rolling out new products / services, and even rethinking the business model. Your company’s livelihood is at stake. The expectations for you personally are even higher.

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Process Ownership and Governance; Paradigm Shift

Process Ownership and Governance; Paradigm Shift


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

After 3 decades of Total Quality Management, Process Reengineering, Lean, Six Sigma and now Business Process Management, it is mind boggling to observe that only a few companies have an excellent process Governance in place and consistently manage their processes.

It is certainly valid to ask ourselves why we are not doing better and what can we do to remediate to the situation. The literature from the ABPMP BPM CBOKTM to the different Gartner reports and our understanding of process ownership and governance has certainly improved tremendously over the last 5 years and yet we still count only a few companies that manage by process year after year.

After pondering the question for a while here are a few thoughts on the question and some suggestions on how to approach Governance and Ownership in a way that can lead to better results and a sustainable process culture.

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The Dilemma of BPM

The Dilemma of BPM


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

There are few business professionals today who do not know what Business Process Management is or do not have, at least a general idea of what it’s about. The number of articles and papers being written about BPM has increased at a rapid pace over the past five years to the point one cannot open a business magazine or newsletter without some reference to the tools and technologies that are available to make your organization truly process-centric.

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Secret to Becoming a Lean/Agile Enterprise: Leaders Acting Well Together

Secret to Becoming a Lean/Agile Enterprise: Leaders Acting Well Together


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Much of the discussion about collaborative methodologies like Lean, Agile and Design Build has, in the past been about creating continuous flow of value, team dynamics, technical practices and even the project management techniques required to get effective and acceptable products delivered and/or deployed. What teams in all environments quickly find out, however, is they are dependent on other organizational dynamics outside their purview, like securing customer involvement, issue escalation, resource allocation, even facility management becomes important.

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BPMS Watch: Five Things to Love About BPMN 2.0

BPMS Watch: Five Things to Love About BPMN 2.0


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

BPMN 2.0 is almost here.  If all goes as planned, it will be voted on by OMG members in June. Assuming it passes, that doesn’t mean BPMN 2.0 is officially adopted and available in commercial tools, just that it has entered the “finalization” phase when tool vendors can start building it in. Even though the diagram notation of BPMN 2.0 appears little changed from previous versions, it represents a big step forward.

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Book Review – Applied SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies

Book Review – Applied SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies


Editorial Director and current Faculty Member, BPMInstitute.org

There is no shortage of books that cover SOA topics, but few of them go beyond background information, telling us what a service is and what technologies we can use to network them, but leaving us on our own to figure out how to identify or design a service. Fewer still go into the design of SOA solutions for the enterprise. I’m happy to report that this book is a welcome exception.

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The Maturity Level of a Process as a Principle Factor for Process Automation (First Pillar)

The Maturity Level of a Process as a Principle Factor for Process Automation (First Pillar)


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

“A high level of process maturity is considered a fundamental pillar for comprehensive process automation and successful future implementation. The process operation and the time this process has been utilized by the business must be well understood by the person or people who are going to automate said process. Considering implementing a theoretical process or a process that possesses a low level of maturity is likely to result in failure and/or extended execution time and/or a high investment in cost and resources.

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Aligning Strategy & Execution

Aligning Strategy & Execution


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Strategy [strat’-i-jee]: a plan, method or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result. Execute [ek’-si-kyoot]: to produce in accordance with a plan or design. Clearly, the two ideas are closely related; one involves setting a plan and the other involves putting the same plan into motion. Simple enough. Yet, why is it that so many companies fail to make the connection?

In my experience, most organizations are very adept at planning.

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Automating Processes: Plucking the Low-Hanging Fruit of Process Management

Automating Processes: Plucking the Low-Hanging Fruit of Process Management

Contributed by:

Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Business Process Management can conjure up images of tremendous complexity, months of planning, committees, meetings, boxes, arrows and squiggles depicting business processes. While BPM can be that complex, it needn’t be. You can move, and quickly, to pluck the low hanging *process automation) fruit for your company. This white paper offers some guidance, things to ponder, consider and act on as you contemplate how to automate your business processes.

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The Essence of Business Architecture

The Essence of Business Architecture


President, TSG, Inc.

There continues to be confusion over the practice of business architecture and the role of the business architect. One way to clear this up is to examine other forms of architecture and the related role of the architect. First, we should restate the industry definition.

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BPM Skills Self-Assessment

BPM Skills Self-Assessment


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Aspiring and veteran BPM practitioners alike can use this self-assessment to determine current strengths and weaknesses across six critical Practice Areas. It will also help you determine your odds of obtaining a BPM Certification.

Please note: The assessment has been updated and is no longer presented as a webcast. Please visit the link below to take the assessment.

Are you just getting your feet wet in Business Process Management and want to know where to start? Do you have some experience but want formalized training?

BPMInstitute.org’s training program may be the right choice for you.

Training is essential to maintain your edge and get ahead in today’s difficult economic times. It’s becoming more and more important to differentiate. Becoming a process thinker will allow you to achieve both of these objectives. With so many BPM course options, what is a fast and efficient way to find out where to begin?

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Talent Development and Training Strategies: Cost Effective Training Solutions For A Challenging Economy

Talent Development and Training Strategies: Cost Effective Training Solutions For A Challenging Economy


Editor & Founder, DBizInstitute.org, BPMInstitute.org & BAInstitute.org

Does your staff need training… Are looking to spread BPM education throughout your company…Are you considering a continuous process improvement initiative…but you have the “can’t travel” budget blues?

Join BPMInstitute.org’s Founder & Editor, Gregg Rock, for an executive overview of cost-effective Training strategies already being employed by other members.

During this Round Table, you will learn how to:

  • Provide training for your staff at a fraction of the cost of traditional Face-to-Face training
  • Increase your employees options for receiving the training needed to become mo

    Does your staff need training… Are looking to spread BPM education throughout your company…Are you considering a continuous process improvement initiative…but you have the “can’t travel” budget blues?

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Doing More with Less

Doing More with Less


Faculty Member, BPMInstitute.org and Principal Consultant, Marvin M. Wurtzel & Associates, Inc.

Today’s challenge to increase productivity with fewer resources has lead to numerous methodologies and toolkits to help organizations meet their objectives and become more profitable and effective. This certainly makes the case for applying two well known and proven methodologies Business Process Management (BPM) and Six Sigma.

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Resource Oriented Architecture

Resource Oriented Architecture


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

According to a 2008 Gartner Survey1 there has been an increase in the number of organizations implementing web services using Representational State Transfer (REST) and Plain Old XML (POX).

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Reviews: Necessary Evil or Symptom?

Reviews: Necessary Evil or Symptom?


Consultant, The Process Geek

During any BPMS demo, the vendor will demonstrate how the application handles the review and approval cycle of some work product, e.g., a document, form, or report. Review and approval of these products is a process cycle that all businesses share, and in my opinion, one that’s entirely too common. Reviews aren’t disappearing anytime soon. They are in some cases a necessary evil. However, let’s be clear – reviews aren’t value added activities.

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Collaboration and Business Decision Management

Collaboration and Business Decision Management


Managing Director, Business Decision Management, Allegiance Advisory Group

Business Rule Management Systems (BRMS) have been described as the ultimate platform to achieve true collaboration. By bridging the gap between business and technology, two previously disparate groups that did not speak the same language could now do so in the universal language of business rules. And to a certain extent these systems met that goal. However, there have been persistent nagging issues centered around things like requirements and change management that seem to keep getting in the way of collaboration and, ultimately, true agility.

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Process Management Scenarios and their Technology Requirements

Process Management Scenarios and their Technology Requirements


Research Director, MWD Advisors

One of the interesting BPM debates I’ve been following in the past months has been about the relevance of BPM technology standards such as BPMN and BPEL (with some protagonists claiming that BPEL isn’t powerful enough as a modelling or implementation language to express the richness of some processes; and others claiming that in fact it’s just fine – for example, see the online debate between Keith Swenson and Ismael Ghalimi.

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BPM and Software as a Service

BPM and Software as a Service


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Today’s economic pressures are resulting in an increasing scrutiny on IT budgets and how to achieve the best return on investment. IT project portfolios are constantly evaluated by the CIOs in light of new budgets and constraints. Clearly IT spending is on the fall, significant budgets cuts are on way, and new initiatives are impacted. BPM initiatives that had initially made their way into the portfolio are now being re-evaluated given the upfront capital cost of procuring Hardware and software.

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Fly-by-BusinessDrivers – Agile Supply Chain Organization with Business Drivers Embedded BPM System

Fly-by-BusinessDrivers – Agile Supply Chain Organization with Business Drivers Embedded BPM System


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

As much as business drivers cannot be divorced from an effective and successful supply chain, the same is true for Business Process Management (BPM) that could help raise the bar for supply chain.

Supply chain in Organizations are very complex with numerous distribution types and channels, in house and outsourced factories, third party warehouses, logistics and suppliers with varied contracts, etc. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software enabling supply chains greatly increase the availability of current information.

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Integrated Business Management in the Process Age: Creating an Agile Business Management Paradigm

Integrated Business Management in the Process Age: Creating an Agile Business Management Paradigm


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

In the transition from the Information Age to the Process Age, we need new thinking and methods to design products and services for the agile business environment. Processes demand a new paradigm that expects more from managing a business and creating solutions than the current information-oriented paradigm. We need methods that are fit for working with processes to replace our methods for working with information, as they aren’t built on the necessary concepts.

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Featured Certificate: BPM Specialist

Everyone starts here.

You're looking for a way to improve your process improvement skills, but you're not sure where to start.

Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will give you the competitive advantage you need in today's world. Our courses help you deliver faster and makes projects easier.

Your skills will include building hierarchical process models, using tools to analyze and assess process performance, defining critical process metrics, using best practice principles to redesign processes, developing process improvement project plans, building a center of excellence, and establishing process governance.

The BPMS Certificate is the perfect way to show employers that you are serious about business process management. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you'll be able to take your business career to the next level.

Learn more about the BPM Specialist Certificate





  • Business Process Management Specialist
  • Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will provide you with a distinct competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you’ll be able to take your business career to the next level.
  • BPM Professional Certificate
    Business Process Management Professional
  • Earning your Business Process Management Professional (BPMP) Certificate will elevate your expertise and professional standing in the field of business process management. Our BPMP Certificate is a tangible symbol of your achievement, demonstrating your in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management.


BPM Certification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Process Management Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Operational Excellence Specialist
  • Earning your Operational Excellence Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.


OpEx Professional Certificate

  • Operational Excellence Professional
  • Earn your Operational Excellence Professional Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.



  • Agile BPM Specialist
  • Earn your Agile BPM Specialist Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving business process management (BPM) with agile methodologies. You’ll gain a strong understanding of how to apply agile principles and concepts to business process management initiatives.  

Business Architecture



  • Business Architecture Specialist
  • The Business Architecture Specialist (BAIS) Certificate is proof that you’ve begun your business architecture journey by committing to the industry’s most meaningful and credible business architecture training program.

  • Business Architecture Professional
  • When you earn your Business Architecture Professional (BAIP) Certificate, you will be able to design and implement a governance structure for your organization, develop and optimize business processes, and manage business information effectively.

BA CertificationCertification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Architecture Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Digital Transformation Specialist
  • Earning your Digital Transformation Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. 


  • Digital Transformation Professional
  • The Digital Transformation Professional Certificate is the first program in the industry to cover all the key pillars of Digital Transformation holistically with practical recommendations and exercises.



  • Agile Business Analysis Specialist
  • Earning your Agile Business Analysis Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in the world of agile software development.


  • DAS Certificate
  • Decision Automation Specialist
  • Earning your Decision Automation Certificate will empower you to excel in the dynamic field of automated decision-making, where data-driven insights are pivotal to driving business innovation and efficiency.