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Digital Transformation: Value-Driven, Process-Led, and Data-Based
What makes a digital transformation successful?
Most organizations have started, or have at least planned, their digital transformation journey [0] [1]. These organizations expect to increase their performance drastically by leveraging digital technologies. However, many of those businesses struggle to meet the high expectations through their digitalization initiatives, and don’t deliver the expected value.

90-Days to Go-Live Approach
Have You Heard of “Wa-Agile”?
Post-pandemic, there is a clear trend that technology projects are seeing the highest level of approvals. Everyone is looking to not only grow their technological footprints, but to also achieve it in less time and while on a budget. Agile projects are being planned and executed in every organization, which appears to be the best approach to move forward.
Organizations following a waterfall model for technology project deliveries have tried to go Wa-Agile (Waterfall + Agile); another popular term used for Wa-Agile is “Semi-Agile.” This is a step forward to achieve Agile maturity. In organizations where Agile is being used for delivering projects, they are commonly moving towards a 90-days to Go-live approach as opposed to the traditional long-term 180+days delivery approach.
How to Know if a 90-Days to Go-Live Approach is for You?

The Product Backlog: A Step-by-Step Guide
Editors Note: The BPMInstitute is excited to share this article written by Omer Schechter. This article was originally published on Toptal.com, on June 3, 2020.
Product backlogs are a critical component of product development: Comprised of a prioritized list of features that guides a product from its initial vision to its execution and formal release. By converting high-level concepts into working details, the product backlog facilitates the creation of a product. Let’s take a closer look at the key steps and the core elements of a product backlog and how a product manager is responsible for creating, prioritizing, and maintaining it.
Split the Backlog into Two Lists
When creating a backlog, define its scope, whether it applies to the entire company’s product line, a subset of products, or just a single product—this helps you manage the features.

Disruption, Hyperautomation, and Transformation – Part II
Sooner or later, everyone will have Hyperautomation tools—the only question is, which ones?

Disruption, Hyperautomation, and Transformation – Part I
Some disruption is a normal part of any business operation. We just adjust. We collectively all just lived through a bad one—the Covid19 pandemic. We are now entering yet another new major disruption, and hopefully it will prove to be a good one. While this disruption has already started, its impact has not yet reached its projected level.

Harness the Power of the Text Annotation
A Practitioner’s Guide to BPMN 2.0 as a Process Improvement Tool
The “Text Annotation” Element (or shape) within the BPMN 2.0 standard is the unsung hero of Process Mapping. Using this shape, a skilled Process Modeler can resolve conflict and inspire innovation from Process Owners, Executives, and front-line employees alike. In the real-life examples that follow, we will explore uses for this simple shape, and discover how it has been used to elevate Process Flow Diagrams from a simple documentation tool into a true process improvement tool.
Text Annotations as Described in the BPMN 2.0 Standard
The formal BPMN 2.0 standard is maintained and governed through the Object Management Group. The standard defines what the Annotation shape is intended to accomplish:

Business Process Governance – More Effective through Digitalization
The Impact of Digital Transformation on Process Governance
Most companies have launched digital transformation initiatives (Kirchmer, Franz, Lotterer, Antonucci, Laengle, 2016). Hyper-Automation has become a reality which changes the way business processes are organized and executed (Stoudt-Hansen, et al., 2019). However, only a small number of organizations have their business processes sufficiently under control to realize the full potential of new digital technologies (Kirchmer, 2019) (Cantara, 2015). Appropriate business process management (BPM) capabilities have a significant impact on the value achieved through digitalization (Antonucci, et al., 2020).

Meet the Author: Daniel Morris and Keith Leust, Business and Digital Transformation in the Age of Hyperautomation
Tune into this webcast as authors Dan Morris and Keith Leust discuss their new book, ‘Business and Digital Transformation in the Age of Hyperautomation’. They will join Gregg Rock in discussing how the world of Hyperautomation is quickly changing and they will explore the impact of Hyperautomation on business and digital transformation.
Hyperautomation is a grouping of advanced application generation tool platforms that are changing every aspect of business, how companies interact with one another and their customers, and how they innovate. These technologies include iBPM, RPA, Ai, Natural Language Processing, IOT, cognitive computing, and more.

Customer Experience: Expectation & Execution
Process maps are a valuable way to identify waste and streamline operations. This is especially important as every organization has accelerated their digital transformation efforts. In the first few months when COVID-19 drove every customer online, they were happy with a patchy digital experience. The first organizations to get a service up and running gained massively as there was limited competition. But a year on, most organizations have some online service so customers are now able to be selective. They are choosing organizations that have a great online experience. What does that mean? Expectation and execution. The promise of the website is delivered by the back office.

Meet the Author: Setrag Khoshafian, How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt
In this Meet the Author webcast, Dr. Setrag Khoshafian discusses his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt Post COVID-19‘. Join Gregg Rock as he and Setrag discuss monetizing low code/no code, blockchain, IoT, AI, process automation, and accelerating entrepreneurship and enterprise innovation.
About the Book:
2020 – the year of the COVID-19 pandemic – changed everything.
Its ripple effects will be felt for many years to come.
At the same time there have been incredible advances in digitization. We are amid a digital revolution with unprecedented innovations. The pandemic has accelerated the requirements for “Digital Transformation.” Organizations need to adopt and transform to survive and hopefully thrive.
The pandemic has accelerated the accumulation of digital transformation debt! It has also provided an opportunity to thrive in the post-COVID-19 era.

How Low-Code Platforms Can Aid Intelligent Business Process Management
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. Be sure to pre-register! This article was originally published on VentureBeat.com on April 25, 2021.

No-code/low-code: Why you should be paying attention
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. Be sure to Pre-register for the webcast! This article was originally published on VentureBeat.com on February 14, 2021.

Meet the Author: Jochen Wirtz, Intelligent Automation – The Service Revolution has Started
In this webcast, author Jochen Wirtz discusses his new book ‘Intelligent Automation: Learn how to harness Artificial Intelligence to boost business & make our world more human’. Tune in as Jochen and Gregg Rock discuss the pending AI and Hyperautomation revolution that could take over service industries as technological advances continuously improve, what this could this mean for service sectors such as education and healthcare, and how it will effect cost and quality.
This book will give you insight into the lessons learned from 100+ IA transformation successes (and failures). Readers will also benefit from the largest publicly available library of 500+ IA use cases by industry and by business function, and gain access to insights garnered from 200+ IA industry experts.
This is a webcast you won’t want to miss!

Project Management: The Deja-Vu Problem
Too often in Project Management roles, we experience a sense of deja-vu: the unshakeable feeling that we’ve been here before and we’ve done this already. After we successfully complete projects, we charter new ones with a never-ending focus on continuous improvement. However, astute Project Managers often start to notice that these new projects are re-runs of the same patterns. Teams face the same obstacles, solve the same problems, and even re-trace the footsteps of earlier projects that didn’t “stick” after the previous project team had declared victory.
The conversation between friends that follows below will be familiar to Project Managers who recognize these patterns. I hope that by sharing our conversation about Business Process Management, you will also have success in disrupting the deja-vu problem we faced.

Hyperautomation – Are You Ready to Adapt?
The business world is about to enter another cycle of major change. This cycle will definitely change every part of business operations and the way companies interact with customers. The driving forces are not only automation and advance technology but most importantly, the pace at which both are changing.
The question is “does your company have the ability to take advantage of the hyperautomation revolution that has started?”
You have all heard of hyperautomation, hyper digitalization, and hyper technology revolution. By whatever name it is called in your organization, it is here and it is fast becoming a force you will need to reckon with.

Hyperautomation, Disruption, Continuous Business, and Digital Transformation are the Foundations of the Future
We have entered the age of hyperautomation – the release of advanced new technologies is constant and is changing the world as we know it today. These advances are in automated capabilities, in automated tools, and in wonderful new technologies that will affect our lives in untold ways. These untold ways are the opportunities we all have before us – if we are bold enough to innovate.
We are seeing wonders released almost every day and mature into capabilities that are changing how we live and play. Holographic imaging and robot surgeons are just the tip of the technology iceberg. Autonomous cars and trucks are starting to be used and voice interaction will soon support AI interaction as computers think independently to do things for us.

Operational Excellence 2.0: Invented in Silicon Valley?
I have spent the last 30 years evangelizing about the importance of well understood processes. We formalized the UPN (Universal Process Notation) approach which was based on SSADM. And we built a process mapping software vendor in the UK which was acquired by US process automation player and I now live in San Francisco where I have become an avid student of “the Silicon Valley way”.
After a year or two off, I got 3 of the founders back together and we have launched a company which aims at helping the Fortune 5Million, not just the Fortune 500, to do a better job of systems implementation. At the heart of that is better process documentation. And the sweet spot is Salesforce.com implementations.
Why? Because it is a massive market that has an unmet and growing need. We can make a big difference helping every company achieve and maintain operational excellence. And because we can.
Growing pains

Coming out of the Pandemic Business Slowdown
…or Maybe Shutdown Would Describe it Better: A Case Study
There is no consistency to the business shutdown between states, counties, industries or anything I can think of. Each governor handled it differently and most of the time the rules really didn’t make sense. But one thing is clear, the governors are not through yet as each listen to their own physicians and advisors- each of whom have their own ideas. It seems that with each spike, large or small, the lockdown is back on. And we may be heading into another lockdown as winter approaches.
This article is not about politics or the Pandemic itself. It is about the yo-yo response that companies have to live with and if possible, not only stay in business but find a way to thrive – and some are thriving while others die.

Introducing Agile BPM
Here at BPMInstitute (BPMI), we’ve taught agile business analysis and business process management courses to numerous Business Analysts and BPM practitioners. A frequent question from our students continues to be – can we apply agile to business process management?
The answer is YES! By combining agile with BPM, you can create agile BPM to benefit your organization with more efficiency, consistency, and quality in your BPM initiatives.
Most importantly, you will deliver value to your process users more frequently.
This new methodology is created by applying the agile values, principles, and concepts to BPM initiatives and projects. The agile software development life cycle becomes the agile BPM delivery life cycle. Agile ceremonies and techniques are adapted for use in BPM; BPM techniques benefit from having agile concepts applied to them as well.

Business Process Management in a Digital World – Trends and Predictions
Most organizations have started or at least planned digital transformation initiatives [12]. New digital tools are available with increasing regularity – and many of them have the potential for a major impact on business processes. Hyper-Automation has become a reality which changes the way business processes are organized and executed significantly. However, only a small number of organizations have their business processes sufficiently under control to realize the full potential of new digital technologies and the related transformation [7] [3]. Appropriate business process management (BPM) capabilities, delivered through the process of process management, have a significant impact on the value achieved through digitalization initiatives [2]. Digital transformation continues to shape the BPM Discipline. Here are four key trends and predictions: