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Welcome to BPMInstitute.org, the leading authority in Business Process Management (BPM) training and certification. For the past two decades, we have been at the forefront of BPM education, providing invaluable resources to professionals like you. Our extensive collection features thousands of articles, white papers, and webcasts, covering every aspect of BPM you can imagine. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the field, our resources will empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to excel in the world of BPM. Explore our comprehensive library today and unlock the secrets to optimizing processes, driving innovation, and achieving operational excellence.
Covering User Needs

Covering User Needs


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Two problems frequently encountered in planning for new product development are what I call the “depth problem” and the “breadth problem”. In my article “First Things First”, I talked about the depth problem – basically failing to spend time and resources establishing what to make or implement (the right concept) before committing to planning how to make it.

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SOA is SOL without BPM – Bringing IT and the Business Together


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

How many times have you heard that SOA is the next big thing?  It’s particularly fascinating how the perspectives of customers and vendors evolve on “the latest thing” and where they find the value. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) wars have been interesting to watch for exactly this reason. Integration vendors, pure-play BPM vendors and leading application platforms all have an SOA story. The major vendors have focused education efforts on teaching people what SOA is, and how it can make their infrastructures more “agile”.

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The Power of Collaboration: Collaborative BPM

The Power of Collaboration: Collaborative BPM

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Competitive advantage in business depends on the ability to excel in key business processes. Business Process Management (BPM) is typically delivered with an integrated set of tools that provide a closed-loop system for optimizing business performance.

Collaborative BPM expands the scope of traditional BPM and is moving to priority number one as organizations search for an integrated solution that provides an environment to coordinate the dynamic activities of human-driven, collaborative processes.

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Services and Versioning

Services and Versioning


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Service-oriented architectures offer many important advantages to the enterprise in terms of agility, flexibility, consistency, reuse, integration and others. But of course, there’s no free lunch. And one of the costs of these advantages is the increase complexity of service lifecycle management and versioning.

Once a service has its first consumer, we have bought off on having to maintain and support that service for an agreed upon period of time.

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BPMS Watch: My BPMN Wish List

BPMS Watch: My BPMN Wish List


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) standard from OMG has a lot to recommend it, but it’s not perfect. Since late February of this year, I’ve been doing BPMN training, and through that I have come to appreciate the subtle power of the notation and how it maps – or sometimes not – to the way real business analysts and architects want to model their processes.

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The Marriage of BPM and Six Sigma

The Marriage of BPM and Six Sigma


Faculty Member, BPMInstitute.org and Principal Consultant, Marvin M. Wurtzel & Associates, Inc.

BPM Six Sigma Context

BPM tends to focus on the automation of business process through the use of BPM suites. Every software system automates a process; and generally every process, efficiency, or quality improvement project involves use of software systems.

Process Centric

“It’s all about process” – As stated by Jack Welch, General Electric’s famous CEO, success in business is all about process.

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How to Launch and Implement BPM and SOA Projects

How to Launch and Implement BPM and SOA Projects


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

The move to SOA and BPM means that application development can be more modular. But data is the essential foundation. BPMInstitute.org: You are now out on your own. What does BizThink do? Fletcher: We have a unique offering which involves process redesign and SOA and...

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How to Launch and Implement BPM and SOA Projects

BPM Suites Increase Business Agility


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

The inability of earlier generations of application development software to support effective collaboration between business and IT is the source of a good deal of confusion, wasted efforts, and delayed ROI to the organizations that are implementing new application...

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Bridging the Gap between Business Modeling and SOA

Bridging the Gap between Business Modeling and SOA


Managing Partner, Chaosity, LLC

I’ve found topics to be more interesting if I can apply them to something or someone I’m familiar with. If a relative has cancer, I’ll listen more intently to news items about cancer treatment. If a friend is moving to Mexico, I’ll think about international events in a slightly different light. I call it the “relevance factor”. We each evaluate information against our own personal scale to determine what to do with it. If we can find some frame of reference for or application of it, we’ll pay attention and store it for future use. If not, we’ll dismiss or ignore it.

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The New Frontier: Business Decision Management (BDM)

The New Frontier: Business Decision Management (BDM)


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

It has become increasingly evident that business rules are only a part of the whole puzzle of business logic in BPM, SOA, and Business Architecture.

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Getting the Process of BPM Right

Getting the Process of BPM Right


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

So yes, BPM is important. Maybe even revolutionary. But getting BPM right remains a challenge as practitioners in the field know only too well. We believe that in many ways, BPM platforms have outpaced BPM practice.

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SOA Watch: Convergence of SOA and SaaS

SOA Watch: Convergence of SOA and SaaS


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Clearly, SOA and SaaS are converging. The movement and direction are clear. Take, for instance, the rapid rise of SaaS.  Based upon current trends, IDC predicts a compound growth rate of 20% per annum for SaaS, set against the overall software market, which is only growing at around 6% per annum.  This leaves IDC in no doubt that there is a fundamental shift toward SaaS as a delivery mechanism, and its use within the notion of Web 2.0, and the convergence of SOA, Web 2.0, and SaaS.

What’s causing this shift?  There are 5 primary drivers:

1. Purchasers believe th

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Getting Started With BPM

Getting Started With BPM

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Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

The importance of having an efficient system of business processes to drive an organization may seem like basic principle. If a business isn’t running efficiently, it may not be realizing or maximizing its financial, market coverage or other strategic goals. In a recent survey of 1,400 CIOs by Gartner Executive Programs, the top business priority identified by CIOs was business process improvement1. For individuals or organizations that are being asked to investigate process improvement, Business Process Management or BPM is a term that frequently associated with the process improvement.

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System Integrator Success: Meeting Government customer demands through BPM and SOA

System Integrator Success: Meeting Government customer demands through BPM and SOA


Business Relationship Manager - Product Lifecycle Management, Chevron Corporation

Join this 60 minute web seminar as we provide the System Integrator community with information about how BPM, Portal, Web 2.0 and SOA technologies can be combined into a powerful solution that helps address critical government challenges.

Don’t miss this webinar if your customers are asking you the following questions:

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Business Architecture: In the Absence of Standards

Business Architecture: In the Absence of Standards


Business Architect Executive, Independent Consultant

It is my observation that there are no true standards regarding business architecture. Ask any three Business Architects and they will likely agree conceptually on the components that make up business architecture. However, you will get three very different descriptions of how to develop and integrate those components.

There are many techniques available for developing business architecture; and a good Business Architect can adapt just about any set of methods to do so.

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The Four Dimensions of the Business Architecture

The Four Dimensions of the Business Architecture


Enterprise Business Architect, Independent Consultant

The early beginnings of Business Architecture (BA) development used a business/function process model of the enterprise.  This type of model illustrates the typical functional groupings of a business.  These groups are further placed into two categories: Primary, which directly relate to the business of the Enterprise, (e.g. Customer Care), and Supporting, which enable the primary functionality, (e.g. Finance).  Each functional group contains several unique business processes (e.g. in Finance, there are corporate accounting and asset management).

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Using Staff Frustration to Improve a Process

Using Staff Frustration to Improve a Process


Principal, Value Creation Partners

The frustration lens diagnoses the process from the perspective of those who work in it. The purpose is to learn what frustrations people experience when doing their work. You can ask people about these as you create the as-is-flowchart, or you can complete the chart first and ask later. Use the first method if the process is relatively short and there aren’t many frustrations.

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Model to Execution: Guidelines for Converting a Use Case into BPMN

Model to Execution: Guidelines for Converting a Use Case into BPMN


Co-Author of The Microguide to Process Modeling in BPMN 2.0, www.tomdebevoise.com

Organizations improving performance and aligning or reengineering processes endeavor to define their core business processes. They often use ‘happy days’ use case scenarios, or they create workflow diagrams in Visio. A ‘happy-day path’ only considers flows that occur when no exceptions are encountered. So, someday the team needs to visit ‘unhappy’ branches. Converting the use case or work-flow into the formal needs of a business process model can be challenging. So I offer these simple guidelines.

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Featured Certificate: BPM Specialist

Everyone starts here.

You're looking for a way to improve your process improvement skills, but you're not sure where to start.

Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will give you the competitive advantage you need in today's world. Our courses help you deliver faster and makes projects easier.

Your skills will include building hierarchical process models, using tools to analyze and assess process performance, defining critical process metrics, using best practice principles to redesign processes, developing process improvement project plans, building a center of excellence, and establishing process governance.

The BPMS Certificate is the perfect way to show employers that you are serious about business process management. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you'll be able to take your business career to the next level.

Learn more about the BPM Specialist Certificate





  • Business Process Management Specialist
  • Earning your Business Process Management Specialist (BPMS) Certificate will provide you with a distinct competitive advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. With in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management, you’ll be able to take your business career to the next level.
  • BPM Professional Certificate
    Business Process Management Professional
  • Earning your Business Process Management Professional (BPMP) Certificate will elevate your expertise and professional standing in the field of business process management. Our BPMP Certificate is a tangible symbol of your achievement, demonstrating your in-depth knowledge of process improvement and management.


BPM Certification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Process Management Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Operational Excellence Specialist
  • Earning your Operational Excellence Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.


OpEx Professional Certificate

  • Operational Excellence Professional
  • Earn your Operational Excellence Professional Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving organizational excellence and achieving sustainable improvements in performance.



  • Agile BPM Specialist
  • Earn your Agile BPM Specialist Certificate and gain a competitive edge in driving business process management (BPM) with agile methodologies. You’ll gain a strong understanding of how to apply agile principles and concepts to business process management initiatives.  

Business Architecture



  • Business Architecture Specialist
  • The Business Architecture Specialist (BAIS) Certificate is proof that you’ve begun your business architecture journey by committing to the industry’s most meaningful and credible business architecture training program.

  • Business Architecture Professional
  • When you earn your Business Architecture Professional (BAIP) Certificate, you will be able to design and implement a governance structure for your organization, develop and optimize business processes, and manage business information effectively.

BA CertificationCertification

  • Make the most of your hard-earned skills. Earn the respect of your peers and superiors with Business Architecture Certification from the industry's top BPM educational organization.




  • Digital Transformation Specialist
  • Earning your Digital Transformation Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. 


  • Digital Transformation Professional
  • The Digital Transformation Professional Certificate is the first program in the industry to cover all the key pillars of Digital Transformation holistically with practical recommendations and exercises.



  • Agile Business Analysis Specialist
  • Earning your Agile Business Analysis Specialist Certificate will provide you with a distinct advantage in the world of agile software development.


  • DAS Certificate
  • Decision Automation Specialist
  • Earning your Decision Automation Certificate will empower you to excel in the dynamic field of automated decision-making, where data-driven insights are pivotal to driving business innovation and efficiency.