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Article Series Part 4 – No Code Citizen Developers: Digital Transformation Debts post-Covid-19
Editor’s Note: The DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on September 27, 2020.

Article Series Part 3 – Automation: Digital Transformation Debts post-Covid-19
Editor’s Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on August 23, 2020.

Article Series Part 2 – Operational Excellence and VSaaS: Digital Transformation Debts post-Covid-19
Editors Note: BPMInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on August 1, 2020.

Article Series Part 1 – Culture: Digital Transformation Debts post-Covid-19
Editors Note: BPMInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on July 14, 2020.

Intelligent Process Automation of Things (IPAoT)
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on June 26, 2020.

BPM Resurgence
Business process management (BPM) has been quietly undergoing resurgence as organizations gradually recognize the central role of process in digital transformation.

Distance Learning for Professional Development
The Distance Learning Leader
BPMInstitute.org has been delivering online training for more than 15 years for individuals and groups. We can even provide training to groups across multiple time zones and around the world.
We’ve put together this short webcast to help you understand all of your options for online training.
View the webcast now >
Download the pdf (but you miss out on the audio)
(Keep an eye out for a special discount on the last slide.)

AI Driving Digital Customer Engagement: Part II
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. Be sure to pre-register for the webcast! This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on December 22, 2019. This is a two-part article; Part I can be found here.
Digitized Value Streams

AI Driving Digital Customer Engagement: Part I
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. Be sure to pre-register for the webcast here! This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on December 19, 2019.

The Road to IoT Success Runs through Digital Process Automation (DPA)
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. Be sure to pre-register! This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld on December 19, 2019.

Digital Transformation of Supply Chain through IoT, Analytics, and Automation
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on December 17, 2019.

Blockchain to Valuechain
Editors Note: DBizInstitute is excited to share this article, written by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, with our community and in advance of his new book release. Keep an eye on our website as we share additional articles in the coming months written by Setrag, as well as a pending Meet the Author webcast to discuss his new book ‘How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt’ expected to air Fall 2021. This article was originally published on CognitiveWorld.com on December 2, 2019.
The decentralized ledger technology (DLT) underlying cryptocurrencies – Blockchain – is becoming a defacto solution for many peer-to-peer applications.

Taming Entropy: From Waterwheels to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
In one of my earlier articles on Disruption, Innovation and the Art of Business Architecture, I made the case that the concept of entropy is highly applicable in explaining the evolution of business organizations.
Generally speaking, entropy is the measure of disorder in a closed system, and it is a concept borrowed from thermodynamics – the branch of physics that deals with the relationship between heat, work, temperature, and energy in a system.

Scaling & Sustaining Your Digital Process Automation Program – Notes from the Field
We are a year and a half into our Digital Process Automation program and have had some very strong successes as we learn new tool sets, build our enterprise capability center for governance and stand up an Agile way of working. Year one (1) we delivered over $10M in returned value on an investment of $3M. That early success buoyed our enthusiasm and optimism. It also pushed us to strive for bigger and better successes for year two (2).
We knew maturing, scaling and sustaining the new capability was going to be our focus for year two (2). However, that early optimism had us more bullish than perhaps we should have been. We were a bit stymied on the slowing of momentum as new and different challenges presented themselves.
Here are some field notes of our journey to date. This year, as we endeavor to drive forward and unlock business value using RPA/RDA capabilities, coupled with AI for Intelligent Automation, we have stepped back to assess, adjust, and learn.

3 Key Mindset Shifts to Make Your Agile Transition Successful
When transitioning to agile, the key is to shift your thinking. Here are three critical areas that you should consciously work on changing.

The Power of Stakeholder Analysis
Whether I am working on a single process or an operating model, I have found that stakeholder analysis is a good place to start. It is simple to do and often gives insights that are valuable both to the design work and to the transformation work.
Take a page of paper or a flip chart, describe the thing you are designing (process or function or whole organisation) in a circle in the middle, and array the stakeholders on spokes leading away from this central circle. A stakeholder is an individual or group of individuals or organisations who are likely to be affected by the work you are doing or whose requirements will affect the work you are doing.

Ramping Up Skills for Digital
EDITOR’S NOTE: DBizInstitute.org has released it first research report “Digital Business Adoption: Examining the drivers for digital business success around the world”. Access this members-only report by logging in (existing members) or join DBizInstitute.org today.

Digital Business Adoption Research Report
The Digital Business Adoption Report, a members-only research report, represents the first survey by DBizInstitute.org and as such will form the baseline for future research in this area. The objective was to examine who and what is driving Digital Business Adoption as well as the expected benefits, enabling technologies and required skills for practitioners around the world.
Login or join today to get your copy. In the twelve-page report you will learn:
- Who is Driving Digital
- What is Driving Digital
- What are the Prerequisites
- Fundamentals for Digital
- Skills for Digital
- Skills Gap
Respondents from USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Middle East provide a global flavor to the survey.

What is Good Enough Agile Documentation?:The minimum requirements for every Agile project
There is a recurring myth in the IT industry that Agile projects do not require documentation, that giving stakeholders the opportunity to respond to fully functional software replaces that need altogether. This perception (or, more accurately, this misperception) often stems from a misunderstanding of the following statement in the Agile Manifesto (https://agilemanifesto.org):
” We have come to value…. Working software over comprehensive documentation”
The creators of the Agile Manifesto have clarified this statement numerous times, emphasizing the following qualifying condition at the end:
“That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

Creating Agility and Operational Efficiency with Decision Modeling
Decision modeling is designed to bridge the gap between business processes and the key decision-making technologies needed to transform traditional processes with digital decisioning, which typically includes both business rules management systems (BRMS) and predictive analytics. Here we’re using the term “predictive analytics” in its broadest sense, including artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.
Decision modeling delivers the agility and operational efficiency required for a real-time customer experience while assuring the highest levels of consistency, compliance and risk management.
Why Model Decisions?