Learn how to align the promise of BPM with your current process initiatives. This will be an interactive workshop where participants share their past experiences in BPM and identify pitfalls and best practices. Additionally, participants will break out into team to develop BPM strategies based on use case scenarios.
Presenter Bio
Michael Lim, Regional Sales Manager, OpenText Metastorm
As a recognized expert in Business Process Management, Michael provided coaching and mentoring services around process improvement initiatives for several fortune 100 companies. His range of experience in leading BPMS implementations within government, FSI, and Telecommunications has helped develop a library of best practice in deploying successful process projects. Additional, Michael delivered product strategy consulting services for several BPMS vendors and is an educator of business process for BPMInstitute.org. Currently, Michael is a Regional Sales Manager at Metastorm. He advises customers and partners on developing a successful Metastorm implementation and implementation practice.