This webcast – the fourth in a five-part series – will review the findings of’s State of BPMSM Research with a specific focus on the issues, challenges and solutions associated with BPM applications in the Government sector. It will explore the government desires to streamline the “business of government” under ongoing challenges of budgetary constraints, policy changes and demanding citizen accountability.
BPM and Security: DRM & BPM
This webcast – the third in a five-part series – will review the findings of’s State of Business Process ManagementSM Research with a specific focus on the security issues, challenges and solutions associated with BPM. It will explore the desired integration among Document Security services, Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Business Process Management (BPM). It will describe what strategies are common to enterprises currently achieving the greatest benefit from their Security and BPM initiatives.
BPM Outside the Firewall
In July 2006, initiated a survey of its 24,000 member community to gain an understanding of how enterprises across a range of industries are pursuing business process innovation and improvement and to what degree these activities are strategically aligned to the companies’ business transformation and growth objectives.
This webcast – the second in a five-part series – will review the findings of the survey, with a specific focus on the issues, challenges and solutions associated with extending business processes outside the firewall to customers, partners and suppliers.

Putting the Business Back in ‘Business Rules’ (and keeping it there) Part 2
This is Part 2 of a 2-part KPI webinar series. Part 1 introduced the Rule Maturity Model and focused on the requirements and benefits of Rule Maturity Model Level 2. That’s because Level 2 is the most common target level among organizations today. It is also the level at which today’s standards, methods, and technology come together. Part 1 also provided insight into the kind of software functionality needed for an organization or project to explore all aspects of Rule Maturity Model Level 2.
Preliminary Findings of’s State of BPM(SM) Research
In June 2006, initiated a survey of its 24,000 member community to gain an understanding of how enterprises across a range of industries are pursuing business process innovation and improvement and to what degree these activities are strategically aligned to the companies’ business transformation and growth objectives.
The survey, entitled BPMInstitute’s State of Business Process Management (BPM)SM, obtained critical insight into how corporations approach business process management and improvement initiatives, evaluate and acquire BPM infrastructure and d
Understanding Innovation: What Exactly is Innovation, and how does Innovation Happen?
Unless a company can innovate, it will be left behind in the brave new world of total global competition. But, what exactly is innovation, and how does innovation happen? These are the most important business questions of our times.
Unless a company can innovate, it will be left behind in the brave new world of total global competition. But, what exactly is innovation, and how does innovation happen? These are the most important business questions of our times. Join Peter Fingar for the Inaugural Round Table of our dedicated Innovation “section” on

Putting the Business Back in ‘Business Rules’ (and keeping it there) Part 1
An enterprise pursues its mission by the formulation of policy, and these policies are implemented by rules that permeate the business. But where are these rules kept, and how do they relate to the policies that supposedly gave them birth? Typically they are buried in documents, peoples minds, policy manuals, and most frequently in business system software code. And not only is their existence forgotten – but there very purpose lies buried under strata of system changes and evolutions.

BPM and SOA – The Power of an Integrated Approach
Join this webMethods Webinar as well-known BPM industry expert Dr. Bruce Silver discusses the intersection points between BPM and SOA and the advantages that a solution which integrates the two technologies into a single cohesive platform has over standalone products. Along with Bruce, webMethods VP of Product Development, Pete Carlson describes how the webMethods Fabric suite makes integrated BPM and SOA a reality.

Get Real with SOA – The Technology – What You Need and Why
Although industry standards exist around Web services, there are no standards around the technology capabilities needed to achieve success with SOA or how and when to implement them.
Although industry standards exist around Web services, there are no standards around the technology capabilities needed to achieve success with SOA or how and when to implement them. Join webMethods to learn what’s needed to deliver and support enterprise-class service-oriented business applications and how webMethods Fabric 6.5 enables organizations to achieve real results.

Lessons from the Resilient Enterprise – How Winners Build for Change
Today’s global enterprises are confronted with a wide array of unplanned disruptions, including events such as Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. International supply chain expert Yossi Sheffi will describe how a company building for change and flexibility throughout its supply chain is able to reduce risk AND create a competitive advantage in the increasingly volatile marketplace. BPM industry thought leader Alan Trefler will explain how BPM systems provide organizations with the ability to be agile in responding to the inevitable…change, planned and unplanned.